用友T6查询 现金流量凭证级项目信息
特价活动:>>>> 用友U8、T6、T+、T3软件产品4折优惠,畅捷通T+cloud、好会计、易代账、好业财、好生意云产品6-8折优惠。
select distinct a.iperiod '月份',
a.csign '凭证类别',
a.ino_id '凭证号',
a.inid '行号',
a.cDigest '摘要',
convert(varchar(10),a.dbill_date,120) '制单日期',
a.ccode '科目编码',
c.ccode_name '科目名称',
a.ccode_equal '对方科目',
a.md '借方科目',
a.mc '贷方科目',
s.cCashItem '项目编号',
f.citemname '项目名称'
from gl_accvouch a left outer join code c on a.ccode = c.ccode
left outer join gl_cashtable s on a.iperiod = s.iperiod and a.isignseq = s.isignseq and a.ino_id = s.ino_id and a.inid = s.inid
left outer join fitemss98 f on s.cCashItem = f.citemcode
where 1=1
and a.iperiod <=12 --否则会包含往年的现金流
and (iflag is null or iflag=2)
and (c.bcashitem =1 or s.iperiod is not null)
order by a.iperiod,a.ino_id,a.inid;